The Missing One

Office for Contemporary Art Norway

Taking the tropes and technologies of science fiction as a thematic beginning, this inter-glactic, inter-generational exhibition assembles artworks from across Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The exhibition, specially produced by OCA for this presentation in Oslo, is part of an institutional concern to bring to Norway the plurality of practices and histories at the forefront of international artistic debates around the world.

Tekst: OCA

OCA - The Missing One


ADRESSE: Nedregate 7, Oslo

ROLLE: utstillingsarkitekt


TYPE: utstilling

STATUS: utstillingslokale

KUNSTNERE: 21 kunstnere

VERK: billedkunst, trykk, kunsthåndverk, installasjoner, video, m.m.

REFERANSE: Nada Raza, curator Tate Research Centre

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